This week brought some real talk from Adam, Pat thought he was in incognito and poor Sarah62 has a week to forget.
Oh, and did i mention, _PBJ_ was back?
UnitedAmerican: They Can’t See Or Hear Me Over Here.
Poor Pat fell into the same trap as NorthernMonkey did, and believed that when he made his cast ‘private’ nobody only those he lets in his channel, can view the cast.

Adambro Lays Into Sarah62.
It’s not been a good few days for Sarah. First she lets the World and it’s Mother hear her ‘tiredness’ at slaving over the cooker all day 😉 and now Adam goes on a full blown attack on her.
Might be a good time for Sarah to go on one of MichelleStacy’s cruises for a month or two 🙂
_PBJ_ Is Back.
Don’t you wish your Girlfriend was hot like this…..
ParanormalPete: Vaughn’s New Party Animal.
Welcome to Pete, a new caster to VL. This guy is going to take the casting world by storm…i can just feel it.
Oh, has it ended?
Adambro Talks Sense.
And finally, this week we are going to end on a more serious note for a change. I never ever talk about my political views on here, as that is not what this site is about.
But i thought this next clip from Adam is absolutely spot on.
** Apologies for the quality of the video.
So until next time, take care, be safe, and no matter how bad life seems, remember, there really is somebody out there worse off than you 😉
oh Dear there is a spy amidst the United American camp.
Adams views are so one sided at times, how is the big bang dumb ?
its more believable than the fairy tale around a so called God
Paranormal pete seems a interesting guy.
Me and ParanormalPete have something cooking in the lab can’t say much more but just be ready folks! this guy is gonna set the casting scene on fire!!!